Your Therapy Sessions

Your First Visit

Your first visit at Globerman Physical Therapy is all about you getting immediate care, right to the spot it is needed.

Please bring your insurance card and a list of any medications you're currently taking. The first time check-in process will only take about 15-20 minutes.
(Click here for more details about first visit paperwork)

In total, expect your first visit to take at least an hour.  

Our emphasis on this visit is to perform a comprehensive evaluation of you to determine what is causing your problems by measuring specific areas of your body and testing your range of motion. Based on those specifics we assess what the cause of your problem is and assign a treatment plan for you to follow.

Your evaluation starts with a private meeting with your physical therapist to go over your medical history. We'll learn about you, what impairments you are experiencing, including any aggravating factors, and what treatment you've had. This helps us determine the causes of your problems.  

Next, you’ll learn what areas of your body are weak, tight, or not moving correctly. We'll find what's reducing your mobility and abilities, and how that combination of factors is causing you pain.  Then we'll examine the area by looking at your mobility, strength, balance/coordination and determine a plan of action.

First visit expectations:

  • Private Medical Evaluation
    • Discuss Medical History and General Health topics
    • Evaluate Medications, Sleep Patterns, and Pain Management factors
  • Private Consultation of Patient Needs & Goals
    • Discuss your Social and Occupational needs
    • Help determine and set goals you want to achieve with your therapy sessions
    • Discuss your ability to participate in Athletic and Recreational Activities at the level you desire
  • Private Hands on Physical Evaluation, Measurement, & Assessment
    • Your Posture, Balance, Strength, Mobility, and Flexibility will be measured with physical therapy specific tools and tests
    • Findings are used to establish your baseline so we may use it to measure your progress as your treatment continues.
  • Gym Exercise & Instruction
    • After a thorough assessment, you'll move into the gym. The PT will demonstrate exercises and provide hands-on cues to show you how to safely move again. 
  • Assignment
    • A home exercise program will be given to you, outlining your exercise plan with illustrations, descriptions, and online video resources to asssist your progress at home. 
  • Education
    • You'll learn injury prevention and pain reduction techniques from your PT to safely progress you through your home exercise program and therapy assignments. 
  • Schedule
    • At the end of your first visit, you'll schedule your first therapy session as you move forward with your therapy and rehabilitation plan of action.

A long, happy, independent, and active life; a life lived to the fullest is our goal for you. At Globerman Physical Therapy your lifelong health, ability to exercise safely, travel freely, lose weight permanently, and enjoy every day with family and friends is our life's work.  We're here to help you live the quality of life you deserve.